Adapt to changing customer expectations with hotel apps

Hotels have been challenged to adapt to customer expectations, especially with contactless experiences introduced by the pandemic. With 73% of travellers wanting to use their mobile device to manage their hotel stay, hotels must offer helpful services that improve the guest experience through innovative technology.  

Since the pandemic, most of the population has embraced technology, and QR codes have made a strong come back in our lives. 

Hotel apps can unlock many benefits for their owners and their guests, especially with the level of affordability. First, let’s understand the difference between a web app and an app.

hotel guest app

Apps, native apps, or mobile apps are the most familiar ones you download from an app store on your mobile device. These are built for specific platforms like iOS (iPhones) and Android. The critical thing here is that you have to download the app to access the services.

On the other hand, web applications (IRIS guest app) are accessible via a QR code scan which then opens a link in your browser, so you do not have to download anything and take up the space on your phone.

Guest apps offer hotel management many advantages, including an increase in revenue during the guest stay by seamlessly upselling services via the guest experience platform and optimising efficiencies.

Benefits of using Guest Apps in hospitality          

The advantages of using web apps in hospitality don’t stop with hotel management. The benefits extend to staff and, most importantly, to guests!

The benefits of using a guest experience platform as a guest:

  • Easy access to all of the hotel's services

  • Less friction or obstacles to ordering

  • Effortless and contactless payment options

  • Less clutter on the guest’s mobile phone, meaning they will never have to delete the app and re-download it

  • Helps guests feel like they are in more control of their stay

Benefits to Management and Staff:

  • Improves job satisfaction when staff have happy guests and technology that allows them to do their jobs efficiently

  • Saves time and improves staff productivity with automated tools

  • Increases average check size and number of orders (plus tip amounts are often higher!)

  • Quicker turnaround times

  • Increased customer feedback – also allows easier access for guests to leave reviews

Win wins for both Hotel Management, Staff and Guests:

  • Web apps are also great for personalising the guest experience as they offer accessible communication between them and the staff

  • Guest apps can reduce language barriers by the use of images and also offering translated text –a massive benefit to international guests 

  • Improves the dialogue between staff and guests

  • Guest apps offer a streamlined ordering system which means not only can guests order when they want, but the staff can fulfil their duties quickly and efficiently

Is the demand for Guest Apps high?

Covid has certainly accelerated the demand of contactless and mobile technology, and customer expectations have evolved - but by how much?

A recent study by Oracle highlighted that travellers wanted High-Tech, Low-Touch hotel stays. It revealed that 73% of travellers want to use their mobile device to manage their hotel experience, including ordering food and drink, paying, checking-in and more.  They want technology that minimizes contact with staff and other guests.

Guests are now expecting a highly digital, self-service experience they get in other parts of their lives like banking, grocery shopping etc. Not only do they want quick, easy ways of doing things, they’re also keen to personalise their experience - order and pay when and how they want, on their own devices. This was evidenced with 38% of travellers wanting a fully self-service model for all basic hotel transactions, 39% wanting to order room service from their phone or a chatbot and 49% looking for contactless payments.

Hoteliers are acknowledging this trend and prioritising the need for contactless technology with the study highlighting that 96% are investing in contactless technology, with 62% noting "a fully contactless experience" is likely to be the most widely adopted tech in the industry in the next three years.

Some of the features covered by the IRIS app

Food & Beverage ordering

Browse, tap, order and pay. Whether you're serving staying guests or casual dinners. Menu browsing, Pick-Up, Room Service or Deliver to Table - we've got it covered.

Digital Guest directory

Ever made a costly printing mistake? Updates to the room directory are simple to do, meaning content is relevant and fresh. Provide instant access to the hotel-recommended activities, restaurants, bars etc, whilst guests are out and about, exploring the local area.

Service Requests

Keeping the Concierge at guests’ fingertips, allowing your guests to schedule a taxi ahead of time - giving staff more time to collect luggage. Extra towels, fresh linen, more pillows, turn down service… (the list is endless) all the services that your Housekeeping team offer, can be easily requested using IRIS®. Multilingual functionality takes the pressure off the staff.

Learn more about the IRIS® features.


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