
Version 5.28 adds two new ways to display your items across categories, and brings more branding opportunities to the main outlet page, plus many other enhancements - check out more below!

Release date: 4th October 2021

Customised Item layouts

This version will add support for two new methods of displaying your items to guests, these are List and Grid which fit alongside the default List with images layout. Each of these is optimised for a specific scenario and you can mix and match them across any category in your menu.

The Grid layout puts even more emphasis on the item image. We recommend this layout if you have great item images and want to show off your menu or services.

The List layout is all about speed and simplicity, if you have a straightforward list of items such as soft drinks which don’t need any extra information then this layout will get everything else out the way and simplify the user experience.

Lastly, we have tweaked our default List with images layout so that it works even better for you. By default this view will give you an even balance of item image alongside the item description, plus we now shrink down the view if there are no images so that there’s no wasted space for smaller devices.

To get started with this just login to the IRIS Platform and go one of your categories, then click on Select Display Type to choose the layout that suits you best.

More Outlet imagery

In this version we will be bringing in more Outlet imagery to the Outlet page, this adds even more customisation to the Outlet page and works for both Order Outlets and Service Outlets.

To make it easy for you, we are using the already existing Outlet image you have uploaded in our Platform so there is no extra setup required - it will just work.

For now we will only support a single Outlet image for simplicity, however if you are interested in having more than one image per Outlet please let us know.

Skip ahead to the Outlet

As much as possible we want to make IRIS Guest Web a simple to use solution that feels just like magic. To continue to meet that goal, we have now improved the page flow for Outlets.

In this version if you only have one Outlet set up for your Outlet Content Section, your guests will no longer get the extra page where they need to select that one Outlet and instead we will just take them straight there.

Again you don’t need to do anything to get started with this feature, if you have only one Outlet it will just work.

Tax breakdowns

If you have extra taxes and charges at your property you will now see an enhanced layout in the Cart and Payment pages. This includes an even more detailed breakdown of taxes if you have them set.

The full list of charges and taxes will now show the total amount of tax above a more detailed breakdown of each tax, matching the naming as setup in the Platform.

To get started you will need to have taxes set up in the IRIS Platform but this will depend on your solution. Please speak to a member of the team if you have any questions about setting up taxes.

Added help text for Allergens and Alcohol

Note: This feature requires version 4.114 of IRIS GXP.

This version adds support for two new settings in the IRIS Platform that allow you to keep your guests informed and up to date on your menu. These settings are separately for displaying additional information regarding Allergens and Alcohol when guests are viewing the Cart.

To activate the Allergens help text, go to the Outlet which you want to show this text for and turn on the toggle Show Allergen Information. Similarly for the Alcohol text turn on the toggle Show Alcohol Information.

In both cases we have provided some default text to get you started, however if you would like to customise this using our Static Content process please get in touch and we can help you out.

General updates

As always this release includes a number of smaller enhancements behind the scenes and general performance improvements.

If you have any questions or want to know how to make the most of these new features, please get in touch with us.




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