IRIS in 2022 - our year in numbers!

It’s been a fast paced and growing year for the team here at IRIS. We couldn’t let it pass without looking back on 2022 and highlighting some of the key successes and notable triumphs that have taken place!

Take a look below to see what was accomplished this year…

IRIS was nominated for a Travolution Award

18 – New product releases

The product and development teams have been working hard to constantly innovate and improve our solutions to optimise operations for hoteliers and enhance the experience for guests – from the Open Tab feature (where guests can start a tab, order multiple rounds of food and drink, and then pay in a single transaction at the end), Pay at Table and language switching enhancements to menu formatting, discounts and the new timeslot feature. Lots of exciting new releases to make life easier for both guests and hotel staff.

2 - Award nominations

We were proud to be shortlisted for two industry-acclaimed awards this year, both designed to shine a light on the achievements of the hospitality sector – we were nominated for the Best Small Technology Supplier at the Awards 2022 and the Best Hotel Technology Product award at the Boutique Hotelier awards.

Alas, we didn't scoop the trophies this time but we loved attending the events, catching up with partners and hoteliers and celebrating all the amazing work across our industry! We’ll be back next year! 🎉

55% - increase in transactions and revenue YOY

Our F&B app has regular new releases

We had the biggest month to date in October 2022 with a huge growth in order numbers and revenue generated through our the system. These figures were nearly eclipsed in November but they held on, we think December might beat them though!

Amazing achievement from all our hotels using our platform and #TeamIRIS that makes it happen. It's also a testament to our wonderful industry that continues to delight us and bounce back from a tumultuous couple of years, to hoteliers that are so forward-thinking, and guest-focused.

4,130 - Followers on LinkedIn

We’re delighted that we have so many followers on LinkedIn! Thank you for following us and engaging with our posts, we really appreciate your support🤗

Keep in the loop with all our latest product and people news (and the latest customer and industry updates), we’d love to meet you!

113 - Pineapple pizzas eaten by the Dev team!

Who knew pineapple pizzas were so popular? Callum, one of our Software Engineers is a super fan and says: ‘It’s really nice- most people just haven’t tried it! People will love it once they tried it – it adds a lovely freshness to a pizza.’

Find out more of our team’s guilty pleasures in the ‘Meet IRIS’ section.

98% - Average SLA Support score

Our Support team are on a roll - not only do they consistently get 98-99% SLA scores every week, they also get wonderful feedback from our clients on the help they've provided (check out our 10/10 reviews on Hotel Tech Report).

Kudos to our team who work tirelessly to support our hoteliers and keep the Online Support portal well stocked with a wealth of knowledge-based articles, helpful  FAQs, videos and release notes to help clients get the most out of their platform 24/7.


Our latest eBook

1 – eBook

We put together this free guide to highlight how a digital F&B ordering platform can help hoteliers optimise their resources and serve more guests - in 10 easy steps! It’s been very popular - pull up a chair and have a read.

There’ll be more eBooks on their way in 2023!

4,446 - Customers assisted

Our Support team work closely with our hoteliers to ensure they’re maximising their platform from day one! From onboarding and implementation to day to day operations, we're always here for you every step of the way.

This year, we’ve been on hand to answer your questions, handle change requests and look into queries - to ensure your processes are running as smoothly as possible and your team are satisfied. As we know, happy staff = happy guests!

Get in touch if you have any burning questions, or check out our FAQs here.

10 - New team members joined IRIS

Our HR team had a busy year recruiting new team members (and sadly saying goodbye to a couple who moved to pastures new).

A total of 10 new people joined the IRIS family this year. Welcome Catalina, Sam, Marina, Lewis, Kate, Rofaulo, Chris, Nickolay, Melanie and Mizumi 👋 If you want to join the crew, please check out our vacancies here.


Excellent work by the team here and well done to all our fantastic clients that make this possible.

Please get in touch if you want to be part of the success, we’d love to talk and bring you on our journey.

Here’s to an even more successful and game-changing 2023!


2023 – the new frontier for mobile ordering in hospitality?


InterContinental® The Clement Monterey, California